Wednesday, October 18, 2006


Tomorrow i am leaving with the Jazz Ensemble to go on a recruitment tour. We will be playing at highschools around Texas, showcasing the band and advertising Texas State University. About a year ago, when I was still in highschool, this very band came to my school and performed for us. Not only did I enjoy it, but as i sat in awe of there tallent I was inspired to one day rise to that leval. If you would have told me then ithat io would be in that very group in less than a year I would have called you crazy, but here I am. That show was proly what brought me to Texas State, and what more inspired me to dive into jazz studies. I of coarse hope to play well and have fun tomorrow but i hope so much more. I hope that somehow our performance can plant that seed in at least one of those young musicians. Somehow I want to reach out and touch someones heart and mind. Cause i wouldnt be here at TSU if i didnt get that. I hope somehow i can inspire that same emotion. Wish me luck

1 comment:

D Hadbawnik said...

wow -- that sounds like a lot of fun. did you get any new recruits?