Sunday, November 26, 2006

Turkey day

Being that Thanksgiving was only a few days ago, I decided to write about our Nation's most-traveled-for holiday (or so I hear). Isn't it amazing that the title of one day can reunite families who are spread across the nation?

It's about giving thanks and spending time with your family…or is it? It seems that food, even though it has always played a major role, has almost over taken the holiday. Many people even nickname it "Turkey Day." Wait…Turkey Day? How can anyone even say that?

Even though millions of Americans do eat turkey on Thanksgiving, it's ridiculous to think that this special holiday is only about eating. Even though I'm preaching this, I have to admit that even I was blinded this year by the table (or tables rather) filled with that mouthwatering food.

You might be wondering why this is important, and truthfully I don't even know. I just feel this way, and I wish more people could actually be thankful, instead of using Thanksgiving as an excuse to indulge themselves.

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