Wednesday, November 15, 2006


The brain is so complex and interesting. We rarley realize how much our brain does. It does so much we never even think about like breathing, sleeping, managing our health. The subconcious like intuition dreams and memory. No matter how much humans study the brain it still baffels us. The more we learn about it the more we realize how vast its powers are.

It amazes me the brain is capable of, how we perform under stress, and the encredible emotions it produces. I often why I think and feel what I do. But why? Why is it so interesting and captivating. Would I live my life any different if I understood my brain. Maybee its a good thing I dont understand everything. I kinda enjoy not having to think about everything or worry about things that dont really matter. But still

Ill allways wonder how any why my brain works like it does.

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