Sunday, September 10, 2006

What it means.

On the header of my blog I have this short tid bit that I wrote.

In the endless search for meaning in life I find true understanding to come not from observing the things of life. But instead from observing our perception of those persons places and things. And if you listen close enough YOUR SOUL WILL WHISPER.

And i would like to explain some of it now.
Humanity, whether you are aware of it at all, is constantley searching for knowledge and understanding. The search for meaning, to understand the world, and to understand ourself.

Even if this quest is deliberate or not we all seek knowledge. Most look at either two things for answers. They either look at the world and there soroundings. Or look within at ones mind and spirit.

But my interpritation of this world comes from somewhere else. By observing my observations. Now that sounds kinda complex. But nothing makes more sense then watching myself watch the world. By watching myself react to the world it kinda makes sense. By watching what heart mind and body does when i look at a beautifull mountian I learn somehting about myself, how i react to it, and about the mountian, what kind of reaction it causes. The more I watch my reactions to this world the more I understand it all.

The closer you listen to you self the more you understand life itself.

Sorry my writings dont make sense. I dont get this whole life thing yet. But so far this is the best i can come up with. well hope you enjoyed.

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