Sunday, September 17, 2006

René Descartes

René Descartes. If anyone doesnt know who this guy is, he was a famous philosopher and mathmatician. The dude who said "Je pense, donc je suis" basically "I think therfore I am".
For some reason the last time I heard this it really caught my atention. He was wondering about his exsistance. A kind a confusing thought, but if you get think about it enough it makes sense.
The basic question if wer just particles created by reactions and other science blah blah blah. Or if were something deeper something more. The question we must all strugle with in some point of our life. I agree with his statment. He didnt just mean think. he ment love, hate express thought, cry, laugh. Because of all this I am a soul. Well at least thats what it means to me.
What do you think?

1 comment:

D Hadbawnik said...

i've heard it as "cogito ergo sum." i think, therefore i am. although i like your definition better. descartes' been a bit of a bugaboo for people who believe that it's not ok to destroy animals/trees/the environment just because we can, for food/fuel whatever. because they don't "think," i.e. reason, they don't have a soul, etc.