Tuesday, September 05, 2006

The strange power of color. And the shades of reality

Color.. one of the strangest forces in life.
Dont ask me why I decided to write about this, because I dont know.
Why do different colors inspire so many thoughts and emotions.
Its just different forms of light. Its not evin the color we see, its the way that light from another source reflects off of said object. But it causes feelings.
Why does black represent evil and fear and sin and white goodnes and holiness.
How can waves inspire happness or fear.

Heres something for your brain to chew on. Color is our brains interpritation of light.
What if what I call red is really what you call blue. But theres no way of knowing unless you could see someones minds eye.

In my opinion all of life follows this same possibility. Life is how we observe it. Take one day for example. Lets just say August 3rd 1998. Same exact day, same events, life is how we perceive it. Bob's August the 3rd is a different day than Sallys.

But somehting in our body has givin us instinct and told us how to judge our world. Our world has shown us how to react. But what if my pain is the same as your pleasure. Why not? There both extreme physical stimulants.

Im sure the first humans didnt consider blue to be a boys color and pink to be a girls color. But now we have clear stereotypical masculine and feminine colors.

So what if our society has changed our perception of reality. So next time you look around at the world you live in consider this. Reality is how you percieve it. Dont accept your generations standards to be your life. Open your eyes for the first time and observe it as your brain does.

Well I dont know what these thoughts might mean in your life but it means something to me.
Thank you for reading my thoughts
Daniel Burns

1 comment:

D Hadbawnik said...

this is great, daniel, but apparently you're still having problems logging in and posting? guess we can try to figure it out tomorrow.