Being that Thanksgiving was only a few days ago, I decided to write about our Nation's most-traveled-for holiday (or so I hear). Isn't it amazing that the title of one day can reunite families who are spread across the nation?
It's about giving thanks and spending time with your family…or is it? It seems that food, even though it has always played a major role, has almost over taken the holiday. Many people even nickname it "Turkey Day." Wait…Turkey Day? How can anyone even say that?
Even though millions of Americans do eat turkey on Thanksgiving, it's ridiculous to think that this special holiday is only about eating. Even though I'm preaching this, I have to admit that even I was blinded this year by the table (or tables rather) filled with that mouthwatering food.
You might be wondering why this is important, and truthfully I don't even know. I just feel this way, and I wish more people could actually be thankful, instead of using Thanksgiving as an excuse to indulge themselves.
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
The brain is so complex and interesting. We rarley realize how much our brain does. It does so much we never even think about like breathing, sleeping, managing our health. The subconcious like intuition dreams and memory. No matter how much humans study the brain it still baffels us. The more we learn about it the more we realize how vast its powers are.
It amazes me the brain is capable of, how we perform under stress, and the encredible emotions it produces. I often why I think and feel what I do. But why? Why is it so interesting and captivating. Would I live my life any different if I understood my brain. Maybee its a good thing I dont understand everything. I kinda enjoy not having to think about everything or worry about things that dont really matter. But still
Ill allways wonder how any why my brain works like it does.
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Since 6th grade I have played saxophone in the school bands and for fun in my free time.
I came to college not sure what I wanted to study. It was either music or graphic design (graphic creation and photo editing on the computer advertisements and web sights stuff like that).
I went into this semester as a music major. But it is now obvious that music is not my career. I enjoy it very much but it is not my career. I will keep up my instruments but i will no longer be a music major.
I am a now officially a pre comunication design major with the art program. Many people have told me that will be great at it, i have had so many wonderfull experiences, and i feel compleatley comfortable and confident.
Now that i have changed i feel so liberated and excited. Cant wait till next semester with my new classes. WOOT
I came to college not sure what I wanted to study. It was either music or graphic design (graphic creation and photo editing on the computer advertisements and web sights stuff like that).
I went into this semester as a music major. But it is now obvious that music is not my career. I enjoy it very much but it is not my career. I will keep up my instruments but i will no longer be a music major.
I am a now officially a pre comunication design major with the art program. Many people have told me that will be great at it, i have had so many wonderfull experiences, and i feel compleatley comfortable and confident.
Now that i have changed i feel so liberated and excited. Cant wait till next semester with my new classes. WOOT

Recentley I have discovered THE BEST SHOW EVER. Scrubs.
I dont know if any show has ever made me laugh so much.
My favorite character is Dr. Cox the bitter older doctor.
Pretty much everything he ever says is sarcastic.
I have allways loved sarcasm but never before have I ever
seen it used so wonderfully.
I also love JD (Dr. John Dorian) the main character. Somehow
I feel like in many ways I am just like him. And I find everyhting
he says so funny cause its what i think my life would be like
if I were funnier.
I also love The janitor. Dont know why but hes so funny, but he is.
The show makes me feel better about life now. Cause its about finding
comedy in a hard stressfull cold world.
Sunday, November 05, 2006
With her
A little poem obviousley written for my lovley Girlfiend.
Whom ive now been with over a year, hope you enjoy.
That special feeling like none other
that warm moment that lasts forever
that sweet sound that stirs your soul
Nothing is quite the same as this joy
nothing more comforting as the peace
nothing as exciting as this point in time
Something so special happens in this moment
something comes into my heart and warms it
something makes me feel greater than life
Nothing is so special, nothing so amazing, nothing so lovely
as being with her
Whom ive now been with over a year, hope you enjoy.
That special feeling like none other
that warm moment that lasts forever
that sweet sound that stirs your soul
Nothing is quite the same as this joy
nothing more comforting as the peace
nothing as exciting as this point in time
Something so special happens in this moment
something comes into my heart and warms it
something makes me feel greater than life
Nothing is so special, nothing so amazing, nothing so lovely
as being with her
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Tomorrow i am leaving with the Jazz Ensemble to go on a recruitment tour. We will be playing at highschools around Texas, showcasing the band and advertising Texas State University. About a year ago, when I was still in highschool, this very band came to my school and performed for us. Not only did I enjoy it, but as i sat in awe of there tallent I was inspired to one day rise to that leval. If you would have told me then ithat io would be in that very group in less than a year I would have called you crazy, but here I am. That show was proly what brought me to Texas State, and what more inspired me to dive into jazz studies. I of coarse hope to play well and have fun tomorrow but i hope so much more. I hope that somehow our performance can plant that seed in at least one of those young musicians. Somehow I want to reach out and touch someones heart and mind. Cause i wouldnt be here at TSU if i didnt get that. I hope somehow i can inspire that same emotion. Wish me luck
Electrolytes (F-)
Every one should be aware of the danger of electrolytes. The truth is electrolytes, though seen everywhere especially in popular fruit juices, are verry dangerous. But where do they come from, and why are they so popular.
Electolytes are really not that complicated and there origin is very simple. The word “electrolytes” is greek of coarse, and is composed of the two words electro and lytes. Electro is the greek word for (lightning bolts) and lytes meaning (little). Loosley translated mean ing little lightning bolts.
Little lighning bolts?? no i dont mean statc electricity, static is something invented by thomas edison in an effort to make electricity more marketable. Sort of like a new flavor, if people can buy it in two versions ie normal and static they will be more inclined to buy it.
Electrolytes are formed when two lightning bolts hit each other, mind you this only works when a positive and a negative lightning bolts hit each other. Positive being male and negative being female. Since this is a school seting i will not go in depth of the proscess in which these two lightning bolts form an electrolyte, so for our porpouse we will say ; that the “lightning stork” brings them in little packages.
Now why are some popular citris fruit drinks high in them. Well the answer is once again simple. Due to the tilt of the earth axsis certian areas of the earth are better for farming different things. This tilt in the earths axsis also causes weather. Weather is the imbalance of air, so since the earth, being on a tilt, has certian in ballances certian areas of the earth are more prone to weather. It just so happens that the areas of the earth which are better for growin popular citris drinks are also the area in which much lightning is formed. So most popular citris fruit drinks are high in electrolytes. Due to the different levels of absorbancy some citris plants become more electrolytic than others. The most dangerous citrissis are banannas, oranges and grapes.
Why are these baby lightning bolts dangerouse?? Well the truth is right after you drink or eat these electrolytes you become stronger, more electricity equals more power equals stronger. we know this because of ohms law V=IR. But like all babies, they grow. Electricity growing is very dangerouse mind you. if you keep eating these popular citris fruit drinks the electricity will one day become so great you will explode. THis rare phanamana is known as spontanious human combustion.
Because of the temporary strenght effects bad companys of popular citris fruit drinks such as gatorade and poweraid are able to market this deadly product to the nieve masses. Now because of new research people are slowly becoming aware of the dangerouse effects of lighning and electrolytes. Lightning is said to have the power to “strike down your tree and your soul”. Spontaniouse human combustion is you being “struck down” from the inside out.
You now being aware of the dangerouse effecs of the popular fruit drinks please do not suport these tyranous companys. They use false advertisement. They say you must have a good electrolyte balance but the truth is any electrolytes is bad. Ohh ya they may help you perform better in the short run but after a while you will explode. These popular citris fruit drinks are as bad as any other drugs on the market today. No there evin much worse. At least drugs like cocaine, and weed dont explode you. Imagin a party where half th guests explode after eating your SPECIAL brownies. Thats what bananna bread is, death in disguise. So please for your own good stay away from these popular citris fruit drinks.
Electolytes are really not that complicated and there origin is very simple. The word “electrolytes” is greek of coarse, and is composed of the two words electro and lytes. Electro is the greek word for (lightning bolts) and lytes meaning (little). Loosley translated mean ing little lightning bolts.
Little lighning bolts?? no i dont mean statc electricity, static is something invented by thomas edison in an effort to make electricity more marketable. Sort of like a new flavor, if people can buy it in two versions ie normal and static they will be more inclined to buy it.
Electrolytes are formed when two lightning bolts hit each other, mind you this only works when a positive and a negative lightning bolts hit each other. Positive being male and negative being female. Since this is a school seting i will not go in depth of the proscess in which these two lightning bolts form an electrolyte, so for our porpouse we will say ; that the “lightning stork” brings them in little packages.
Now why are some popular citris fruit drinks high in them. Well the answer is once again simple. Due to the tilt of the earth axsis certian areas of the earth are better for farming different things. This tilt in the earths axsis also causes weather. Weather is the imbalance of air, so since the earth, being on a tilt, has certian in ballances certian areas of the earth are more prone to weather. It just so happens that the areas of the earth which are better for growin popular citris drinks are also the area in which much lightning is formed. So most popular citris fruit drinks are high in electrolytes. Due to the different levels of absorbancy some citris plants become more electrolytic than others. The most dangerous citrissis are banannas, oranges and grapes.
Why are these baby lightning bolts dangerouse?? Well the truth is right after you drink or eat these electrolytes you become stronger, more electricity equals more power equals stronger. we know this because of ohms law V=IR. But like all babies, they grow. Electricity growing is very dangerouse mind you. if you keep eating these popular citris fruit drinks the electricity will one day become so great you will explode. THis rare phanamana is known as spontanious human combustion.
Because of the temporary strenght effects bad companys of popular citris fruit drinks such as gatorade and poweraid are able to market this deadly product to the nieve masses. Now because of new research people are slowly becoming aware of the dangerouse effects of lighning and electrolytes. Lightning is said to have the power to “strike down your tree and your soul”. Spontaniouse human combustion is you being “struck down” from the inside out.
You now being aware of the dangerouse effecs of the popular fruit drinks please do not suport these tyranous companys. They use false advertisement. They say you must have a good electrolyte balance but the truth is any electrolytes is bad. Ohh ya they may help you perform better in the short run but after a while you will explode. These popular citris fruit drinks are as bad as any other drugs on the market today. No there evin much worse. At least drugs like cocaine, and weed dont explode you. Imagin a party where half th guests explode after eating your SPECIAL brownies. Thats what bananna bread is, death in disguise. So please for your own good stay away from these popular citris fruit drinks.
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
I recentley, in the midst of my web browsing, stumbled across somehting so unique i had to share it. I enjoy artwork of all forms, music, painting, drawing, arcitecture, animation..... all that stuff. But this seemed different. Aparentley someone had the idea to take a picture of themselves, everyday, for long periods of time. Simple concept but i was strongly moved. Its like looking at some ones life. Maybee this sis sorta how God sees things. Or maybee this is what wel see when we die. Makes me think allot. I really wish I would have thought of this first and have it be my idea.
watch and enjoy
I like the feeling and emotion of the first one better. But the second one has some cool efects.
I think I might start this.
watch and enjoy
I like the feeling and emotion of the first one better. But the second one has some cool efects.
I think I might start this.
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
The crowd
Nothing is the same when you have a sea of faces staring at you. playing saxophone gives me joy, anger, motivation, and everything else. I study music here at the university, I play with the jazz band here, i create music of my own, and every spare second i have headphones in my ears. Some how music has invaded every corner of my life.
I somehow earned myself a seat in the to jazz group here, the Texas state Jazz ensemble, which is composed of a couple dozen of encredibly talented musicians far beyond my leval. Many of the members are allread professionals making a living from there talent in the real world. I have done my very best to keep up and hold my ground but sometimes its still exrtremley overwhelming.
Last monday we had our first concert, which was amazing. Never before had I performed with a group at this leval. Looking around and listening to the people around me put my mind in shock. This is it, this is what music is really like. Hearing song after song unfold like masperpieces in art gallery, and each musician playing there heart out of the instament. It was one of the most amazing musical experiances I have ever had. And then It was my turn.
We got to the second to last piece, groove merchant, The piece with my solo. When the guys play solos in this group they close they push there body, mind and soul to a nother leval, they throw genuis out in the air and blow there brains out. There fingers fly as everyone stairs in amazement. But it was my turn to stand up now. No written notes out, no rehearse parts just my own heart. I had to let my feelings come out and make up music of the top of my head. I had Done improve solos before infront of huge crowds before, but this was different. It was near the end of the concert and everyone had heard so many wonderfull solos. How could i Possibly evin measure up to whats been played before me.
I stood up took a deep breath, but right before i started i looked out. And what I saw stoped my heart. It was what seamed to be everyone in the world stairing straight at me. Some how they stoped my heart. Then it began to race. faster and fast. 5 4 3 2 1 (I saw the director point to me indicating it was now my time to solo) the next 30 seconds were a confusing haze. All I could here was the base line and the drums. My fingers were moving and my lungs were blowing, but I wasnt really thinking about it. Eventually i could hear music. And then I realized it was coming from me. I could hear myself again. But it was more than music it was a feeling.
I still have no clue what I played in that 30 seconds but my friends tell me it was better than ive ever done. Its funny what 100 faces do to you. Life isnt quit the same when everyones staring at you. I love that feeling. In those few seconds nothing else in the universe could possibly matter. nothing in the past of future could even hope to enter your mind. Just now and here.
In all reality the stage was small, it wasnt too important of a show, and there wernt very many people in the crowd. But in that second that crowd looked like the entire world. I cant wait till the next time. When ill stand up infront of the entire universe and show them who I am.
I somehow earned myself a seat in the to jazz group here, the Texas state Jazz ensemble, which is composed of a couple dozen of encredibly talented musicians far beyond my leval. Many of the members are allread professionals making a living from there talent in the real world. I have done my very best to keep up and hold my ground but sometimes its still exrtremley overwhelming.
Last monday we had our first concert, which was amazing. Never before had I performed with a group at this leval. Looking around and listening to the people around me put my mind in shock. This is it, this is what music is really like. Hearing song after song unfold like masperpieces in art gallery, and each musician playing there heart out of the instament. It was one of the most amazing musical experiances I have ever had. And then It was my turn.
We got to the second to last piece, groove merchant, The piece with my solo. When the guys play solos in this group they close they push there body, mind and soul to a nother leval, they throw genuis out in the air and blow there brains out. There fingers fly as everyone stairs in amazement. But it was my turn to stand up now. No written notes out, no rehearse parts just my own heart. I had to let my feelings come out and make up music of the top of my head. I had Done improve solos before infront of huge crowds before, but this was different. It was near the end of the concert and everyone had heard so many wonderfull solos. How could i Possibly evin measure up to whats been played before me.
I stood up took a deep breath, but right before i started i looked out. And what I saw stoped my heart. It was what seamed to be everyone in the world stairing straight at me. Some how they stoped my heart. Then it began to race. faster and fast. 5 4 3 2 1 (I saw the director point to me indicating it was now my time to solo) the next 30 seconds were a confusing haze. All I could here was the base line and the drums. My fingers were moving and my lungs were blowing, but I wasnt really thinking about it. Eventually i could hear music. And then I realized it was coming from me. I could hear myself again. But it was more than music it was a feeling.
I still have no clue what I played in that 30 seconds but my friends tell me it was better than ive ever done. Its funny what 100 faces do to you. Life isnt quit the same when everyones staring at you. I love that feeling. In those few seconds nothing else in the universe could possibly matter. nothing in the past of future could even hope to enter your mind. Just now and here.
In all reality the stage was small, it wasnt too important of a show, and there wernt very many people in the crowd. But in that second that crowd looked like the entire world. I cant wait till the next time. When ill stand up infront of the entire universe and show them who I am.
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
DHMO The silent killer
I have recentley been informed about a growing theat. Dihydrogen monoxide. or DHMO. In the past year DHMO has caused un countable fatalities. I am seriously afraid of this stuff now. I saw some in my dorm room the other night was a pretty close call. Make sure you know about the dangers of Dihydrogen monoxide and dont let it get you. Nast stuff, people dont realize how much of it there is in this world. The stuff is everywhere. make sure you look at this link or anything about DHMO its some scary stuff.
A nasty spill

As I finished creating the master piece that was my penutt butter sandwhich I opened up the minifridge in our room and grabbed the hawaiin punch. The bright red allmost plastic looking substance. As I poor it into the plastic cup I take extra care to keep a steady hand and make no mistakes. I sit back down and carefully place the cup on the floor. I then here my computer make the aim sound. I look over, It was my girlfriend talking to me, time to stand back up. As I start to walk I look back at the hawaiin punch and think "I better pick it up off the floor cause it would really suck to spill it" So I walk back, grab it, the walk back to my desk. I reach out to place it down on my desk and BBAAMM, SPLASSHHH. A tidal wave of red punch goes flying everywhere. Somehow i happened to drop it all over everything. I couldnt have possibly got anythign else wet if i had thrown it. I got my computer, keyboard, desk, wall, chair, carpet, tiles, (piano) keyboard, papers, and magazine wet. I then felt one of the worst feeling imaginable as the rest of the bright red liquid poored down out of the cup. How can so such a little thing cause so much anger and suckiness. It took forever to clean up. And despite my windex bombardment things are still stickey. o well life goes on.
Ps. I hate Hawaiian punch.
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Breaking the rules
In this world we live in we all follow some basic social rules. Those things that arent to terribly important or life threataning but still we somehow allways know what to do or not do. Like saying bless you, keeping your personal space, eye contact, and other such things. But for once try life on the wild side, and see how people react when you do somehting compleatley abnormal. Now im not saying go punch someone, break a law, or do anything bad. Try taking a french fry frome someones plate in the dining hall. Or stare a compleate stranger in the eye. Youl be suprised how fun acting strange can be. Me and my friends allways had good laughs with one stunt we allways did at the mall and other public places. Walk up close behind someone. Dont say anything just follow them within inches. Or pick some compleatley random catch phrase and tell it to everyone around you at six flags. Try asking everyone at schlitter bahn if they have any extra bread. Im sorry if people like me anoy you :)
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Eye spy

I spy an Eye.
An eye that is deep
An eye that will tell stories
And through that eye I spy a mind
A mind that is intracate and beautifull.
I spy a life
A life of passion
A life with a real reason
A reason to get up in the morning
And a determination to make a difference.
I spy a soul
A soul that's unique
And different than any other
A soul that takes life to a new meaning
And transends the mental and physical world
An eye that is deep
An eye that will tell stories
And through that eye I spy a mind
A mind that is intracate and beautifull.
I spy a life
A life of passion
A life with a real reason
A reason to get up in the morning
And a determination to make a difference.
I spy a soul
A soul that's unique
And different than any other
A soul that takes life to a new meaning
And transends the mental and physical world

Sunday, September 17, 2006
René Descartes
René Descartes. If anyone doesnt know who this guy is, he was a famous philosopher and mathmatician. The dude who said "Je pense, donc je suis" basically "I think therfore I am".
For some reason the last time I heard this it really caught my atention. He was wondering about his exsistance. A kind a confusing thought, but if you get think about it enough it makes sense.
The basic question if wer just particles created by reactions and other science blah blah blah. Or if were something deeper something more. The question we must all strugle with in some point of our life. I agree with his statment. He didnt just mean think. he ment love, hate express thought, cry, laugh. Because of all this I am a soul. Well at least thats what it means to me.
What do you think?
For some reason the last time I heard this it really caught my atention. He was wondering about his exsistance. A kind a confusing thought, but if you get think about it enough it makes sense.
The basic question if wer just particles created by reactions and other science blah blah blah. Or if were something deeper something more. The question we must all strugle with in some point of our life. I agree with his statment. He didnt just mean think. he ment love, hate express thought, cry, laugh. Because of all this I am a soul. Well at least thats what it means to me.
What do you think?
Death dance
This is a morbid poem about the Crucible. Which if youve ever read is a very dark story about the witch hunts. This describes a scene in which young girls are playing with witch craft and dark religions.
Sun gone now Blue moon through black clouds.
Chilling breeze Grass and leaf flutter beneath.
Close the gate Run down the forest trail.
Past barn and crop Into the deep woods, never glancing back
With friends Giggling and skipping, straight through the night
Hands full Flowers,dolls, and the Black Cauldron
On and on it goes this childish game we play
Here we stop Light the fire and fill the pot.
Casting in Our trinkets, and our selfish desires
Speak now The foreign chants of far off lands
Singing loud Unknown songs of black melodies
Dance with me These foolish ballads and mystic jigs
Run about Silly girls prancing about naked and naive
Never knowing what it means, the blood was drank.
Hope that inspired emotions.
Sun gone now Blue moon through black clouds.
Chilling breeze Grass and leaf flutter beneath.
Close the gate Run down the forest trail.
Past barn and crop Into the deep woods, never glancing back
With friends Giggling and skipping, straight through the night
Hands full Flowers,dolls, and the Black Cauldron
On and on it goes this childish game we play
Here we stop Light the fire and fill the pot.
Casting in Our trinkets, and our selfish desires
Speak now The foreign chants of far off lands
Singing loud Unknown songs of black melodies
Dance with me These foolish ballads and mystic jigs
Run about Silly girls prancing about naked and naive
Never knowing what it means, the blood was drank.
Hope that inspired emotions.
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
All for her
I write poetry sometimes so everyonce in a while ill share some.
Heres my most recent one, written for my girlfriend Holly
As she awakens so does the earth.
With its beams of light streaming
over the hills and flowing across the oceans ;
her Hair drizzles down her neck.
Just as every stone was crafted by
God himself so was her beauty ;
every curve and color more beautiful than the last.
The whole universe wakes
from its slumberto herald
her existence ; the sunrise,
the songs of the bird and
the whisper of the trees.
All for her
She doesn't know it but the
clouds draw pictures for her;
and the winds sing her song.
The sky is always designed
perfectly for her face to fill it.
But more importantly my soul sings,
All for her
Thanks for reading my thoughts
Heres my most recent one, written for my girlfriend Holly
As she awakens so does the earth.
With its beams of light streaming
over the hills and flowing across the oceans ;
her Hair drizzles down her neck.
Just as every stone was crafted by
God himself so was her beauty ;
every curve and color more beautiful than the last.

from its slumberto herald
her existence ; the sunrise,
the songs of the bird and
the whisper of the trees.
All for her
She doesn't know it but the
clouds draw pictures for her;
and the winds sing her song.
The sky is always designed
perfectly for her face to fill it.
But more importantly my soul sings,
All for her
Thanks for reading my thoughts
Sunday, September 10, 2006
What it means.
On the header of my blog I have this short tid bit that I wrote.
In the endless search for meaning in life I find true understanding to come not from observing the things of life. But instead from observing our perception of those persons places and things. And if you listen close enough YOUR SOUL WILL WHISPER.
And i would like to explain some of it now.
Humanity, whether you are aware of it at all, is constantley searching for knowledge and understanding. The search for meaning, to understand the world, and to understand ourself.
Even if this quest is deliberate or not we all seek knowledge. Most look at either two things for answers. They either look at the world and there soroundings. Or look within at ones mind and spirit.
But my interpritation of this world comes from somewhere else. By observing my observations. Now that sounds kinda complex. But nothing makes more sense then watching myself watch the world. By watching myself react to the world it kinda makes sense. By watching what heart mind and body does when i look at a beautifull mountian I learn somehting about myself, how i react to it, and about the mountian, what kind of reaction it causes. The more I watch my reactions to this world the more I understand it all.
The closer you listen to you self the more you understand life itself.
Sorry my writings dont make sense. I dont get this whole life thing yet. But so far this is the best i can come up with. well hope you enjoyed.
In the endless search for meaning in life I find true understanding to come not from observing the things of life. But instead from observing our perception of those persons places and things. And if you listen close enough YOUR SOUL WILL WHISPER.
And i would like to explain some of it now.
Humanity, whether you are aware of it at all, is constantley searching for knowledge and understanding. The search for meaning, to understand the world, and to understand ourself.
Even if this quest is deliberate or not we all seek knowledge. Most look at either two things for answers. They either look at the world and there soroundings. Or look within at ones mind and spirit.
But my interpritation of this world comes from somewhere else. By observing my observations. Now that sounds kinda complex. But nothing makes more sense then watching myself watch the world. By watching myself react to the world it kinda makes sense. By watching what heart mind and body does when i look at a beautifull mountian I learn somehting about myself, how i react to it, and about the mountian, what kind of reaction it causes. The more I watch my reactions to this world the more I understand it all.
The closer you listen to you self the more you understand life itself.
Sorry my writings dont make sense. I dont get this whole life thing yet. But so far this is the best i can come up with. well hope you enjoyed.
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
The strange power of color. And the shades of reality
Color.. one of the strangest forces in life.
Dont ask me why I decided to write about this, because I dont know.
Why do different colors inspire so many thoughts and emotions.
Its just different forms of light. Its not evin the color we see, its the way that light from another source reflects off of said object. But it causes feelings.
Why does black represent evil and fear and sin and white goodnes and holiness.
How can waves inspire happness or fear.
Heres something for your brain to chew on. Color is our brains interpritation of light.
What if what I call red is really what you call blue. But theres no way of knowing unless you could see someones minds eye.
In my opinion all of life follows this same possibility. Life is how we observe it. Take one day for example. Lets just say August 3rd 1998. Same exact day, same events, life is how we perceive it. Bob's August the 3rd is a different day than Sallys.
But somehting in our body has givin us instinct and told us how to judge our world. Our world has shown us how to react. But what if my pain is the same as your pleasure. Why not? There both extreme physical stimulants.
Im sure the first humans didnt consider blue to be a boys color and pink to be a girls color. But now we have clear stereotypical masculine and feminine colors.
So what if our society has changed our perception of reality. So next time you look around at the world you live in consider this. Reality is how you percieve it. Dont accept your generations standards to be your life. Open your eyes for the first time and observe it as your brain does.
Well I dont know what these thoughts might mean in your life but it means something to me.
Thank you for reading my thoughts
Daniel Burns
Dont ask me why I decided to write about this, because I dont know.
Why do different colors inspire so many thoughts and emotions.
Its just different forms of light. Its not evin the color we see, its the way that light from another source reflects off of said object. But it causes feelings.
Why does black represent evil and fear and sin and white goodnes and holiness.
How can waves inspire happness or fear.
Heres something for your brain to chew on. Color is our brains interpritation of light.
What if what I call red is really what you call blue. But theres no way of knowing unless you could see someones minds eye.
In my opinion all of life follows this same possibility. Life is how we observe it. Take one day for example. Lets just say August 3rd 1998. Same exact day, same events, life is how we perceive it. Bob's August the 3rd is a different day than Sallys.
But somehting in our body has givin us instinct and told us how to judge our world. Our world has shown us how to react. But what if my pain is the same as your pleasure. Why not? There both extreme physical stimulants.
Im sure the first humans didnt consider blue to be a boys color and pink to be a girls color. But now we have clear stereotypical masculine and feminine colors.
So what if our society has changed our perception of reality. So next time you look around at the world you live in consider this. Reality is how you percieve it. Dont accept your generations standards to be your life. Open your eyes for the first time and observe it as your brain does.
Well I dont know what these thoughts might mean in your life but it means something to me.
Thank you for reading my thoughts
Daniel Burns
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